Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dream about the days to come

Flew into a drowning city last night.

Drove into the burbs to my dad's house through pools of standing water on the freeway- totally insane. There is so much standing water the freeway's are closed in certain spots and I had to cancel my Vancouver book signing today, which was actually a relief since I get to skip the two way 3+ hour drive. It's always nice to come home to the Northwest even if I forgot my new rain boots. I packed my suitcase with my head in the clouds yesterday.....

Some crappy iphone pictures of the past 24 hours:

Dad & I

Dad's house in the morning
Slept in today, then started the day with fresh carrot and apple juice at dad's house, a trip to the coffee shop (where I took a photo of the flyer below) and then straight to a local winery for a tasting. Merlin knows how to live.


preggers Mom & Dad
Family, circa 1977, Minneapolis MN

Dad's Greatful Dead ticket 1970
Unearthed from a pile at my dads, a 1970 Greatful Dead ticket stub

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw. I missed a good time with your pops.