Sunday, January 1, 2012

Smell Ya' Later 2011!!

A recap of 2011 seems like just another thing on the "to do" list but if it doesn't happen today, it never will. I feel like this year I was busier than ever although I think I traveled less then the past two years. When I just looked at my calendar to mimic last years recap I found I was home in Milwaukee 3 full (separate) months, but it really doesn't feel that way at all.

Some off the top of my head stand-out highlights from 2011 include: marking off visiting all 50 states by starting the year with a trip to Alaska, getting nominated although not selected for a United States Artists fellowship, continuing to shoot the Sign Painter movie, signing a second book deal with Princeton Architectural Press, taking time off to go on some great trips with my love Aaron including a great time in Mexico with our good friends Andrea & Derek, an around the world flight to Bali and a visit with our friends off the grid in North Carolina. I turned 34, had another successful Art vs. Craft event and hosted another year of amazing shows + the second annual pop-up shop at Sky High Gallery. I guess that's plenty.

In 2012 I am looking forward to completing the Sign Painter movie & the release of our book in the fall, having a zine of my Thailand photos released by Hamburger Eyes and attempting to take some time off to work on my personal artwork.

Here is my year in photos, a single shot to highlight each month. It's really hard to pick these & this year I failed to shoot as much as last- a mistake I'll remedy this year.

Anchorage, AK
January: I marked off visiting all 50 states when the Alaska Design Forum brought me to lecture in Anchorage, Fairbanks + Juneau.

February: I left the first day of the month on a plane alone to Thailand where I had a screening of Handmade Nation. I met two new great friends there Sandy & Logan Bay + fell in love with Bangkok & vow to return soon, maybe this year most likely next.

March: I was home working all month & didn't take many photos but I did post this video shot from the car Pittsburgh Ave & First St.

Bali: 2011
April: We went to Bali to relax, explore & celebrate Aaron's 38th birthday.

Detroit: Silvio's Botanical Explosion
May: We went to visit the Treasure Nest in Detroit and found Silvio's Botanical Explosion.

Studio Visit: Aaron & Kate Murray
June: I went home to help my mom out & did a studio visit with Aaron & Kate Murray in Seattle.

A visit with Marko
July: I scheduled myself home for work & met Marko who's since been evicted from this magical kingdom he had built to share.

August: Hannah found this weed in the alley in Milwaukee when I shot my first round of photos for Bona Drag.

Salvation Mountain
September: So much happened this month it's mind melting but seeing Salvation Mountain takes the visual cake hands down.

October: Dressed up as "all seeing" for Halloween.

November: Aaron took me to Chicago to celebrate my 34th birthday followed up by a thrifting adventure on the way home in Racine.

December: We went to Minneapolis to interview some last subjects to include in the book including Phil Vandervaart, who's influence in a way is the reason the entire project is happening, this is his back yard fence.

Here's to 2012, an already very busy & booked year in my calendar. I look forward to taking advantage of every single minute to it's fullest.


CassieMarie said...

Congrats on a wonderful last year, and cheers to the next!

tootie said...

That's some good stuff right there!