I do need some help.
Monica primarily works with old found objects and I have a list of items she has asked me to help her source. If you have any materials (listed below) that you like to donate to Monica's install they can be dropped off this week at Sky High (hours below). Donated items will not be returned and most likely cut/sewn/glued/reconstructed. This is the perfect opportunity to let go of precious items that you have been meaning to do something with but haven't found the time or inspiration. If you have items that you are not sure about bringing in but looks like something she may work with please shoot me an email first and I'll let you know. You can also use her website for visual reference. Don't hesitate to ask me questions and thank you so much for your support with this project.
Old quilts or quilting pieces/squares/fabric
Paint- acrylic based or spray cans
Interesting metal pieces/bits
Chair and table rungs and legs
Old nice paint chippy looking wood
Old antique looking pretty crap
Old windows or cool looking drawers
String or yarn
Things that involve: alters, junk treasures, cave, mystical spirit animals
Stalactites- (we want to make some or look for things that could look like them)
Things that there are an abundance of/in multiples
Ideally all donated items will be dropped off by this Saturday. If you have stuff you would like to donate but can't get to us. I may be able to arrange a pick-up.
Drop off hours:
Monday-Friday 12-7
Tuesday SHUT
Saturday 11-6
Sunday 12-5
Sky High: 2501 S. Howell Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53207
in Bay View south of downtown
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